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Extrovert or Introvert

one-person business

One comment I hear often is, "I'm not outgoing enough to start a one-person business."

Here's the don't need to be the most gregarious person in the room or even particularly outgoing to be a successful OPB. You should, however, be able to balance your introversion with a bit of extroversion or your extroversion with a splash of introversion.

If you're an introvert, challenge yourself to connect in a meaningful way with one new person a month, then every other week, and then each week. This can also be done with someone you have an existing relationship with but aren't in touch with on a regular basis. The idea here is to ease yourself into those meaningful connections more regularly.

If you're an extrovert, get used to spending time alone. Intentionally schedule time to be by yourself. Put your devices away, shut down your email, pick a task to focus on, and just work alone with no interruptions.

The bottom line is you will have long bouts of working alone interspersed with intense moments of connecting with others in meaningfully ways. You have to find your comfort level and balance in both.

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