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One-Person Business Owner Qualities

one-person business

A one-person business is a small business owned and operated by - you guessed it - one person. While this type of business owner is not afraid to ask for help when it is needed, the tasks completed and the decisions made by the multiple departments of a traditional big business are all made by the solo owner.

There are many qualities that an individual who runs a one-person business needs to have or nurture in order to succeed. These are some of the most important of those qualities.

  • Self-starter
    Identify opportunity and develop a plan for maximizing it.
  • Self-motivator
    Different than self-starter. This keeps you going once you've started.
  • Self-evaluator
    Honestly identifying strengths and weaknesses along with establishing a plan to work weaknesses.
  • Equal parts extroverted and introverted
     Comfort with connecting with others meaningfully while not being phased by long stretches of working alone.
  • Love of learning
    This speaks to creative curiosity and curiosity helps in identifying opportunity.
  • Sense for authenticity
    This applies to authenticity in you as well as in others.
  • Gratitude
    Maintaining a constant state of gratitude is a secret weapon.
  • Flexibility
    Things will rarely go exactly as planned. A willingness to flex with change goes a long way. 
  • A sense for when enough is enough
    The fastest way to burnout is to endlessly stive for more.

Interested in firing up a one-person business? Find ways to enhance these qualities in yourself.

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