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Oldie But...

just a thought

As I head into my birthday weekend - the fifty-first if you're interested - some things are clearer, more in focus than they were a year ago at this time.

To be honest, forty-nine was hard for me. I wasn't quite ready to be a quinquagenarian and spent most of the year more than a bit anxious about it.

But as soon as I got past the actual birthday, fifty was amazing. It started to feel like I was finally growing into myself. That I was getting back on track in many areas.

Now, I know my fifty-one years of memories have become a youngster's oldies. Just oldies though. Not goodies. And I'm absolutely okay with that because those experiences have made me an:

Oldie but fun.

Oldie but open.

Oldie but playful.

Oldie but accepting.

Oldie but empathetic.

Oldie but adventurous.

And oldie but a goodie.

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