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No Shame on You

just a thought

I grew up in a family of five with one bathroom and no lock on the door. My dad grew up in a family of thirteen with one bathroom. My mom grew up in a family of ten with one bathroom. When you grow up in a home with only one bathroom, regardless of family size, you have no time for any shame - or embarrassment - in your game.

Descending from a long lineage of one-bathroomers comes with some benefits. It may sound a bit odd, but growing up in a one-bathroom household has helped me:

  1. Embrace looking silly when trying new things.
  2. Manage embarrassment when learning new skills.
  3. Maintain a level of comfort with risk.
  4. Say yes more than no.

A wee bit of productive shame (as opposed to toxic shame) can keep us honest, but there is no shame in conveying confidence, curating curiosity, expressing empathy, having humility, showing kindness, or being nice.

Take it from this one-bathroomer, don't let shame ruin your game or embarrassment keep you from trying. Trying something new, learning a new skill, or taking a chance on someone or something will be worth it even if someone does barge in on you unexpectedly. Guaranteed!

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