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Making Risk Possible

just a thought

Risk is a common theme in my posts. But I get it. Taking a risk can be scary. It can make us feel like we're standing at the edge of a cliff, vulnerable, fearful.

Risk means different things to different people. What may feel risky to me, may not to you.

Sometimes the riskiest thing feels like sharing with those we love the fact that we are embarking on the risk.

However, taking a risk on something new is not possible without a support system that understands your need to take risks. If you're constantly struggling with friends and family about appropriate levels of risk, you have less time to focus on alleviating the risk by putting in the work to come out the other end of it successful, victorious.

It helps to fully grasp the "why" of the risk you're taking and share the reason clearly and calmly with those in your life who may also be impacted by it.

Jumping into a bit of risk to accomplish a goal, fulfill a dream requires courage to live with vulnerability for a time. Whether we succeed or not we grow through the process. We become more resilient and confident.

What small little risk are you going to take today so that tomorrow bigger risk equals bigger reward?

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