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just a thought

A loaded word for sure, lazy means different things to different people.

We may have been called lazy at some point by a family member, friend, or coworker in a not so positive tone which didn't feel so great.

On the other hand a lazy-do-nothing day is sometimes exactly what the doctor ordered and feels amazing, refreshing.

Lazy is a mixed bag and as such can lead to confusion. Am I lazy or just tired? Am I lazy or did stress lead me to burn out? Am I lazy or did anxiety throw me off my game? Am I lazy or are there underlying health issues? It's easy to get caught up in the confusion.

Much of the time our "laziness" has more to do with not being clear about what it is we truly want to do than it does not wanting to do the work that lies ahead. As a result, we miss out on feeling a sense of accomplishment which then intensifies our fear of being viewed as or feeling lazy.

It's can be a vicious cycle. One we all get trapped in now and again especially in our often competitive and always connected world.

What's the solution?

Get clear on your goals.

Get specific on your objectives.

Get to know your obstacles.

Be precise in choosing your tactics.

Write them down and keep them viewable at all times.

Know yourself well enough to feel when you need to pull back into a lazy day and don't fret about it.

Okay. Now give this some thought while I go lay on the couch, watch some Netflix, and take a nap.

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