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Enough is Enough Already

one-person business

One of the most important skills a one-person business can have is to know or feel when enough is enough.

When a goal has been reached.

When enough has been earned.

When enough has been saved.

When enough growth has grown.

When a proverbial deep breath and a bit of well-deserved relaxation is in order.

And, here's the kicker, be totally okay with enough and not succumb to the pressure of the enough-is-never-enough messaging we are bombarded with every waking moment.

We're so conditioned to think non-stop growth is the only way to run our businesses, to live. That if we're not growing we've given up. Thrown in the towel.

I was reminded of this the other day when I read an article about world champion chess player🔗👉 Magnus Carlsen. He made the decision not to defend his title in 2023. He's been the world champion chess player since 2013. When asked why he was bowing out he simply replied, "I am not motivated to play another match. I simply feel that I don't have a lot to gain." You have to respect that level of honesty, authenticity, and straightforwardness.

So, to my one-person business, solopreneur, and independent consultant friends our's perfectly okay to say to yourself, "Hey self. You know what? I have enough. I am enough."

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