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Dare to Not Compare

just a thought

It's not uncommon to find ourselves living a life that only exists in comparison to another. It occurs gradually over time. We may not even know it's happening.

I was caught in the comparison trap for much of my life, constantly comparing myself and everything about myself to others. Here's the kicker - I'd mostly compare myself to perfect strangers. I'd rationalize it by saying, "I can use this as motivation to get, be, or do better." What I was really doing is justifying my toxic habit while subconsciously telling myself I wasn't enough.

Today, social media plays into our comparison tendencies, but with or without social media we've always done it. We've all fallen into looking at our friends, our neighbors, even our perceived enemies (online or off) and comparing what we have to what they have, comparing who we are to who we think they are.

Constant comparison is a dead-end street. At the very least it leads to an uneasy existence and at worst debilitating anxiety, stress, and even phobias. All of which keep you from living your truth and expressing it authentically and joyfully.

Celebrate you. Dare to not compare.

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