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A Delicate Balance

just a thought

We're taught in both our personal and professional lives to stay present, to live in the moment, don't think too far ahead, enjoy the process. These are phrases I've uttered more than once or twice for sure.

Setting and working goals is about future outcomes. How does one balance staying attentive in the present moment with the inherent future-focused nature of goals?

We all have our own approach for creating harmony between present and future. Ultimately, it's a balancing act.

In times when I get hyper focused on my goals and get stuck in future thinking, I inevitably start to feel stressed, anxious, and worried. These are the moments when I know I need to rebalance. For me this means:

  1. Stop
    Drop what I'm doing.
  2. Stand
    Get up or move to a different location.
  3. Breathe
    Inhale slowly. Exhale even slower.
  4. Anchor
    Feel my feet on the ground, the balance this connection provides.
  5. Recenter
    Bring my mind back to here, today, now. 

Staying present while managing future outcomes is a delicate balance to achieve, but not impossible. With a little intentionality your mental health and your ambition can actually form an unstoppable alliance.

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